Retirement planning and Self-Managed Superannuation Fund Services in Sydney
BST Accounting team has vast knowledge and experience dealing with superannuation issues for our clients. Some of our Super related services are:
- Setting up Employee accounts with their chosen super fund
- Processing Quarterly SGC for Employers
- Investigating multiple Super Account and prepare necessary documents to amalgamate them into one to simplify and reduce admin costs for our clients.
- Assist clients with Departing Australia Superannuation Payment (DASP) when they leave Australia and move to overseas permanently.
- Tax Advise on Personal Super Contributions (Concessional & Non-concessional) as part of Tax Planning and reduce tax liability legally.

Self-Managed Superannuation Funds or SMSFs are set up and managed by the members directly as trustees or directors of the trustee company. They make their own investment decisions and are fully responsible to comply with the SIS Act and Tax Law.
SMSFs must be run for the sole purpose of providing retirement benefits for the members. It is strictly monitored by ATO to protect the sole purpose. So, it is very crucial for the member to understand the regulatory requirements and obligations as a trustee before choosing to set up an SMSF. We advise our clients on different compliance requirements in accumulation phase & pension phase, concessional & non-concessional contribution limits and closely monitor their fund operation to avoid any non-compliance which may result in a heavy tax penalty.
If SMSF is a better choice for you, we can assist you to meet the compliance and ATO reporting requirements. Our SMSF services include:
- Establishment and administration of SMSF
- ATO compliance reporting
- Set up an investment strategy
- Tax planning to minimise tax liability legally
- SMSF Audit
- Event based reporting (TBAR)